Why G2 Might be struggling with Rekkles

Rekkles has a history as being a pro player. He’s been around since the start of LOL, but he’s also a great bot laner and has been for most of the decade. Ultimately, he was on Fnatic for five years, which cemented him as being a consistent and strong player.


Really, he seemed like the perfect fit for G2, though there were some concerns that he wasn’t going to mesh with that roster. While he currently has a high KDA compared to other players in the major regions, there’s unrest with G2.


G2’s playoff run hasn’t been smooth. In fact, it recently lost against the Mad Lions. On top of that, the playoffs dropped Rekkles’ KDA. After the Spring Split, he had the highest KDA for any pro player within the world, whether they were in a major region or not.


This makes us wonder why G2 is struggling now. It dominated the split, but its struggles are prominent. Does Rekkles not have something that G2 needs, even though he provides stellar performance?


We Cracked the Case


The high KDA results from Rekkles are from his backline playstyle and his ability to play well. He rarely takes risks and never unnecessary ones. Up until now, that methodical style did well for him and G2.


However, more teams are learning about G2’s draft. Banning Rekkles was pointless back then. He had more prowess and versatility, so he was a menace regardless of who played against him.


Times are changing, though. G2 found strength with its identity, but that means other teams know how to exploit it now.


Since Rekkles has a calculated and careful approach, he’s not as much of a carry as other bot laners in the league. Therefore, most of the game’s weight is put on the captain, who tries to carry from the mid lane.


In a sense, Wunder played top laners in the set against the Mad Lions to help output the damages that G2 was missing. It was also a move to counteract Armut’s Gnar, though the attempt failed.


Mikyx and Jankos also have a rough start to the playoff. On top of that, Shaulke shook G2’s confidence, and it never came back full force.


Though G2’s roster is quite strong, it appears that they are overthinking their drafts. Wunder as the carry top laner didn’t work. Counter picks are necessary, but G2 should be drafting the team with the goal of winning.

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