Overwatch Shield – Things You Need to Know About

Each hero you choose to play the Overwatch must possess the strongest tool or source for protecting himself or herself from the potential enemies. In the Overwatch online gaming, each player must possess a shield, which will distinguish how much hits your chosen hero can have. As you can see, the shield with blue augmentations will show it to you. It is considered as the exceptional HP kind that can found on different types of heroes, barriers, and Symmetra’s Teleporter. This HP can restore and take the damage when the health of your hero was recovered.

When your hero was not hit within two to three seconds, the shield will instantly create 20 rates of shields in every second to an existing hero’s health. On the other hand, in terms of the Reinhardt’s Barrier Field, Brigitte’s Barrier Shield, and Symmetra’s Teleporter, their time of usage is shorter, for about two seconds, without requiring any damages for the regeneration of the shield.

Remember that not all the Overwatch shield can perform regeneration. However, the entire types of shields possess similar characteristics. It is the “one-of-a-kind” HP that is indestructible by EMP. It features the same light blue color of force shield that you can only have when your chosen hero has a enough energy. You can also see an invisible cover with hexagon shape that a hero can get as their extra shield.

When the enemy shot the hero and smash his shield, it will start to create tiny fragments of the hexagon shape. A cracking sound can also be heard, and a breaking effect can also be seen by the player when his hero’s shield was already broken.

Temporary Shields

Varying upon your chosen hero in Overwatch online game, some of them can accumulate temporary shields, which is being signified by the increments in dark blue. On the other hand, these kinds of shields are prone to EMP and cannot perform healing or regenerating. The following are some heroes that can create temporary shields. They are;

Doomsfist’s – The Best Defense is one of the heroes that you cannot underestimate. This hero can generate more than one hundred and fifty temporary shields when he started using his basic skill in damaging his opponents. He can also create more than 75 shields if he hit his opponents with the use of Meteor Strike.

Wrecking Ball’s Adaptive Shield is the hero in Overwatch online gaming that can accumulate a hundred temporary shields and additional 100 shields for closer enemies. His temporary shields can be used for about 7 seconds and will instantly diminish after the said time. 

Lucio – he is the hero that has a Sound Barrier that possesses protective waves that generate from his Sonic Amplifier. And this will protect him and his partners from the 30 meters opponents, who consider it as the most reliable shield. But it can be damaged easily by the 125 HP rate every second.

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