Esports Terminology You Should Know

Esports is a complicated interest to get invested in. The potential for growth is unlimited; however, there is a large, and we mean LARGE, barrier for entry. Not only is this in the form of what game you’re investing in, but the million and one different things about not only that game, but the landscape as a whole that you need to be aware of. 


The result is a lot of players giving up before they’ve even gotten started, which is a massive shame, and something that we want to prevent as much as possible. To that end, we’ve written a series of articles to help beginner players find their way in the world of Esports. 


We have articles dedicated to beginner characters in different games, some in-depth looks at FPS Esports, as well as the skills you need to succeed in the industry. 


Today, we’re going to be looking at the terminology that you’re going to see pop up in a lot of fantasy titles. We’re taking League of Legends, DOTA, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, and so on.


Many of these phrases are effects that you can receive or cast, and while the actual effect may change from game to game, the general meaning stays the same. 






Silence is the name given to the effect that locks you and prevents you from using your abilities. In Hearthstone, it’s on an individual card and is permanent, in MOBAs, it is a temporary effect. Silence prevents you from using any of your spells, and in some cases, also locks your artifacts, and nullifies your buffs. 




The bleeding effect is when your character is inflicted with an attack that leaves them losing HP over time. This is a popular mechanic in games like Gwent, and WoW. It’s not necessarily a poison but is in principle. Regardless, this is when an effect causes you to lose HP gradually as time goes on. 




Taunt is when you aggro the AI enemy minions to attack you, ignoring your teammates. In Hearthstone, this is an ability that forces your opponent to attack that card first. In other games, it means drawing the attention of the NPCs, giving your teammates a free pass to work on other stuff. 




Shield is generally the name given to a series of health that sits on top of your HP. It is present in far more than fantasy-based games and extends to FPS games with the likes of Rainbow, Counter-Strike, and, more recently, Valorant. 


Shield is a cornerstone of all Esports. It’s a go-to element for developers when building a tank character, and allows FPS devs to balance their weapons with greater ease. 


Wrap Up


Those are four of the basic afflictions that you’re going to see when you start making your way in the world of Esports. The titles may change, but you should be able to recognize each archetype by the effects it casts. Learn how to use these to your advantage, and you’re going to be well on your way to making something of that MMR. 

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